

Worldloppet launches the Worldloppet Stories project

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Worldloppet launches the Worldloppet Stories project

News date06.04.2020

The project that gives the word to popular skiers to tell their ski-stories

At this particular moment, impacting every day's life, where we have to be at home and so more time to dedicate to ourselves and our passions, the Worldloppet Ski Federation is launching the "Worldloppet Stories" project, to stating " “the show on snow will go on, but in the meantime, let's cheer our spirits up, sharing our stories".

As the name suggests, the idea is that of collecting stories from the skiers and generally workers that have been involved with the Federation in the past 40 years: stories of encounters, new friendships, funny adventures all around the world, pursuing the one passion we all have in common, the one for cross country skiing! 

"We are sure that in over 40 years of history, there are many different things to tell and this is the right moment to grab a laptop – or even paper and a pen – and let the stream of memories taking shape. Worldloppet is looking forward to hear the stories of that time when a skier missed the bus to the start and was driven by locals to the start area; the story of friends that accidentally met at a Worldloppet race after years of not having seen each other; the story of that time when two skiers fell in love on the track and kept on facing the races and life together; the story of the hard path to reach the Master or Global Skier titles. There are going to be for sure a lot of thrilling and enhancing stories to listen to!" state the Worldloppet Organization about the concept of the project.

So you just need to write down your story of one episode happened when you visited Marcialonga, the adventures with the foreign culture, or maybe even when you became a Worldloppet Master or Global skier right at the finish line of Marcialonga in Cavalese, or in any other Worldloppet race. We bet you have some hidden story to tell!


Features of the project: publication of stories, timing and prizes

Stories have to be up to 500 words, tell about one specific episode and should be sent with 1 picture or 1 video via email to the address [email protected] until May 31st.

Starting from April 13th, Worldloppet is going to have a fixed appointment with the stories three times a week for 10 weeks, for a total of 30 stories published on the website and shared on Social media. "Should more stories come in, we are willing to extend the time of the project, we are positive that the project will be welcomed with big enthusiasm" states Epp Paal, Worldloppet CEO.

All stories will be published in English, but skiers will have the chance to write the story in their mother tongue, having the race-offices translating their stories. This means that skiers can write in Italian, Czech, Polish, German and some other languages and send their story, to be part of the project! (all languages of translations are available on the race regulations).

During the current week, Worldloppet is going to publish the stories written by the Worldloppet President Juha Viljiamaa and the Worldloppet CEO Epp Paal on the website, to give some inspiration to all skiers and showing what kind of stories are expected.

If someone needs a further motivation, Worldloppet is putting up 20 prizes for the most liked and shared stories (based on Facebook interactions): free registrations for next season’s races, Worldloppet clothing and much more!


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