News date | 25.01.2022 |
Nine senators for life of Marcialonga, 4 of them finished all editions
No ski wax for the strongest, 70 km in double poling
Difficult bets, Gjerdalen and Britta Johannson dreams, Ida Dahl counts on it
Marcialonga: “Men riding against modern life’s stress”
Marcialonga, edition number 49, is ready to get on the track, which was realised with much effort during a winter poor in snow. On Sunday 30th Marcialonga is back giving emotions as always in Fiemme and Fassa Valleys.
Every editions has its leit-motiv, now is time for the senators. We are talking about the ‘guardians’ of Marcialonga, nine men: Costantino Costantin, Luigi Delvai, Odillo Piotti and Fabio Lunelli, with 48 editions finished, then Ivo Andrich, Armando Zambaldo, Giovanni Mariani, Aulo Avanzinelli and Luciano Bertocchi, who, since 2019, has been nominated “for life” because they finished all the first 46 editions.
Then there are more than 5000 “great electors”, who are ready for this Sunday despite every problem. Great because they challenge themselves, the stopwatch and that Covid-19 beast. Today, 5150 confirmed their presence, more than 1500 had to post-pone to 2023, many due to some national restrictions. In 2022 there are 36 countries represented. However, some, according to the pandemic, might not be at the starting line.
Then there are 200 double poler, pushing hard from Moena to Cavalese (with the first arriving around 11 am). They call it “Cascata uphill”, but this truly is the ascent of the rankings. Those last 3 km define the ranking of one of the most loved ski-marathon in the world, perhaps the most.
All pushing and no wax for the strongest. Among these 200 skiers, some dare to use classic technique, yet not many. Along the 70 km temperatures and snow-conditions change, it is not possible not to stop and not to wax, above all in Cascata. Seconds are precious, as for Giorgio Di Centa in 2004, when Marcialonga was a World Cup and he saw Anders Aukland passing him and winning, and he finished second.
Bets are difficult to make, Visma Ski Classics ranking might not be completely truthful. Novak is leading, followed by Hølgaard, Stadaas, Gjerdalen. The Swedish Novak is a young talent of the circuit, 16th and 12th in past editions of Marcialonga; Hølgaard is a number cruncher, second in the circuit with no stage victories. Stadaas is emerging; Gjerdalen is the rock-hard Norwegian that in the last seven years won three times in Cavalese, second and fourth twice. Not forgetting about “Cup” athletes as Sundby, Jespersen or Gaillard.
Same among women. Rankings are “hot”! With the same points, the young Ida Dahl and the expert Britta Johansson Norgren are leading. Dahl ended third at Marcialonga in 2021, Johansson has 3 victories and much experience, 38 years as Gjerdalen. In the startlist we can also read Marit Bjørgen name, but, apparently, she has to quarantine in Norway, such a shame.
Audience is not allowed at the finish zone, but there is room for everyone along the track, as tradition.
Marcialonga is live on tv through SKY Sport, but Marcialonga needs to be lived, for those who can, Fiemme and Fassa Valleys are always welcoming.
“Men riding against modern life’s stress” was a slogan that appeared during the first edition, and that Marcialonga wants to state in 2022 style.
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