News date | 24.01.2023 |
Official Opening Ceremony in Trento at 6 pm for the 50th edition
Champions, senators, Olympic champions and the founder, Cristofolini, on stage
36 Countries flags waving, 7500 starting on Sunday
Starting with Marcialonga Hymn and Sosat Choir
Marcialonga not only means sport, but even history, culture, tourism and yes, sport indeed.
An heritage for Fassa and Fiemme, rocking it since 1971 as one of the biggest cross-country skiing event, widely loved above all from Scandinavian people. It makes Trentino proud, and that is another reason why the prologue to the 50th edition takes place in Trento, capital city of the region, crowned with the dome and Neptune.
On Thursday 26th, Marcialonga presents itself in a new way, a way as solemn as important the event is, born thanks to the idea of the four founders Mario Cristofolini, Giulio Giovannini, Nele Zorzi and Roberto Moggio. The ceremony starts at 6 pm. Piazza Duomo is hosting a wide stage where 36 Countries are parading with their flags, brought by young people from Fiemme and Fassa sport societies and SC Marzola, by Mario Cristofolini, by the four senators who took part to 49 editions, by Sabrina Pellegrin, the Soreghina and by some great athletes. First, Ulrico Kostner, first Marcialonga winner, moreover, Fulvio Valbusa, last Italian winner, by Juha Viljiamaa, Worldloppet President, by Fernando Zorzi, one of the most faithful volunteer and by Roberto Simoni, Cooperazione Trentina president. The last represents all partners supporting Marcialonga: Cassa Centrale Banca, Melinda, Trentingrana, Cavit, Sait-Coop and Itas. Three Olympic medals are coming too, Franco Nones, Cristian Zorzi and Antonella Confortola, all wearing Marcialonga bib once.
Sosat Choir is opening the ceremony singing Marcialonga’s hymn, already sung during the first press conference ever in 1970, composed by Luciano Funai and recorded on a 45 rpm record. Then they are singing also Trentino’s hymn.
The mayor of Trento, Franco Ianeselli, the President of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Maurizio Fugatti and Marcialonga’s President, Angelo Corradini are speaking a few words on the stage.
A detailed program for the day sees children skiing on the snow track in the morning, helped by ski coaches from Monte Bondone. The very same track where Countries are parading at night, accompanied by the historic voice of Mario Broll and Silvia Vaia.
An entertaining hour worth spending together, enjoying videos, tales, lights and fireworks. On Friday and Saturday the ‘party’ moves to Predazzo and Lago di Tesero, on Sunday the 50th Marcialonga starts from Moena at 8 am (at 7 am, 50x50 takes place), passing through villages with the finish line in Cavalese.
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