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1) The Marcialonga Coop is an international running race that will take place on the September 6th, 2025, over two distances:
> 26,5 Km
> 21,0975 Km
2) All male and female runners, members of their National Sport Association IAAF may enter the race. Those without a valid license, may request the ACSI card presenting a medical certificate that confirms the physical ability of the runner (cost 5€).
The 26,5 km race is for runners that are 20 years or older. The 21 km race is for runners 18 and older. In case of younger runners, 16 and older, it's possible to enter the relay race (three legs of 10-8-8 km)
The Organising Committee has the right to reject entries of competitors with a proved unsportsmanlike behaviour especially when previously disqualified for doping.
3) Entries must be submitted on-line. The entry gives the right to compete in the race, to collect the race pack (only during the race-office opening time) and to use all the services provided by the Organizing Committee. Every other expense is charged to the competitor.
4) The entry-fee is:
Entries on-line will close Friday, 5th September at 6.00 p.m.
Saturday 5th September entries are possibile only on spot, until 2.00 p.m.
For those who cannot take part in the race, the OC gives the possibility to ask for a "fee transfer" (not starting number) to another runner. The change must be requested by the registered runner with the details of the new racer. It is possible to ask for the change of distance. Both requests are accepted until September 4th and require the payment of 10,00€ at the race office.
Entry-fees will not be returned for any reason and are not valid for next editions.
The exchange of bibs among competitors is forbidden and can lead to disqualification.
5) The starting numbers are decided by the Organising Committee with unquestionable sentence according to the best percentage of the athlete. Percentage is the ratio between the placing in Marcialonga Coop 2023, 2024 and the number of competitors in the same year that is “Rank x 100 ÷ Starters”. When first time entry, other races 2023-2024-2025 could be taken into consideration if communicated on the entry-form.
If the group fills up, the racer will move to the next available one. Seeding change requests will not be taken into consideration the day of the race.
Group |
Bib Numer |
Marcialonga Coop |
Other HM races |
1. |
1-100 / 10001-10100 |
1-3% |
< 1:17:00 M |
2. |
101-500 / 10101–10500 |
3,01 - 35% |
< 1:36:00 M |
3. |
501-1000 / 10501–11000 |
35,01 - 65% |
< 1:55:00 |
4. |
1001-2000 / 11001-12000 |
> 65,01% |
6) Starting numbers collection is at the Race Office in Moena – City Hall during the following hours:
- Friday 3.30– 7.00 p.m.
- Saturday, 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
At the bib collection the following documents will be requested:
- The ID document.
- Other required documents (sport card or medical certificate) unless previously emailed or uploaded on MyEB.
It is possible to delegate someone to pick up the number using the form “Proxy” and attaching all the required documents.
For teams, a representative of the group can pick up all starting numbers, upon request.
The Starting number and the race pack will not be sent at home if not collected at the race office.
7) The timing service is provided by EvoData. Applied inside the bib there is a disposable chip-timing device to register the start and finish time and the intermediate times at the checkpoints. It is mandatory for competitors to take care of it and to wear it during the whole race.
The general ranking will be drawn up on the official time while the age category ranking, on the real time.
8) The check-in at the gate is mandatory. In case of start in a prior gate, the competitor could be disqualified or have a penalty of time, decided by the Organising Committee, applied on the race time.
In the starting area it is possible to deliver the clothes bag.
9) The start is in Moena's main square at 4.30 p.m.
The time limit is settled in 3 hours for the 21,0975 km race and 3.30 hours for the 26,5 km race. Those who do not finish in the above-mentioned time will be considered out of the race. There is a time gate at 7.00 p.m. in Masi di Cavalese for the longer distance race.
Competitors registered in the 26,5 km race who decide to stop at the short-race finish or do not pass the time-gate before 7:00 pm, will not be ranked in neither of the two races. Competitors registered in the 21,0975-race km must stop at the short-race finish line and are not allowed to continue their run on the course.
10) The course, during the competition, is closed. It is forbidden to all bikers and any other vehicle to have access to the track interested by the passage of the runners (exception made for OC).
11) There are drink stations pointed out on the profile map and a final one in the finish area. Dumping of waste outside the dedicated containers is forbidden. The OC is authorised to disqualify (or penalize) the competitors who do not respect this rule.
12) The finish line of the 21,0975 race is in Masi di Cavalese. The 26,5 km race ends in Cavalese. The finishers will receive the medal. After passing the finish line the following services are available: first aid station, feeding station, bags collection, shuttle bus to Cavalese (only for runners of the HM from Masi di Cavalese to Cavalese - no reservation needed).
In Cavalese there are also showers (at the swimming pool), dressing rooms and the pasta party.
13) The use of private assistance is strictly forbidden and leads to disqualification. An appropriate assistance is provided by the organisation. Running with spikes or with the help of poles is forbidden.
14) For circumstances beyond one's control, the Organising Committee can decide to make changes to the course or cancel the race. In case of cancellation the Organising Committee will guarantee to all the registered people the 50% discount on next year fee.
15) Protests must be delivered to the Jury within half an hour after the end of the race, accompanied by 100,00 €. The fee will be refunded if the protest is accepted.
16) It must be clear that to take part in Marcialonga Coop it is necessary to be physically and technically well-prepared: for this reason, each competitor, when entering the race, is personally responsible for declaring to be properly trained.
17) The Organizing Committee is authorized to apply penalties or disqualify competitors for unsportsmanlike conduct during the event. It is mandatory to use the dedicated points and containers for throwing away plastic and food waste. Dumping of waste outside the containers is forbidden. The OC is authorized to disqualify the competitors who do not respect this rule.
By sending the entry-form the competitor, together with the chief of the team, certifies that there are no sporting sanctions, civil and/or criminal penalties, even if granted, or ongoing investigations against her/him for acts relating to doping and declare not to have assumed or not assuming substances included in the list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The mendacious self-certification will be prosecuted according to law.
18) By sending the entry-form, competitors acknowledge and accept these rules included any new rules necessary and provided by law. The competitor exempts the Organising Committee from any liability in case of damage done or suffered.
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